Floyd Davis
(1896 - 1966)
Floyd Davis had no formal art training, but learned on the job, working his way from lithography apprentice to being an accomplished illustrator for magazines like Woman's Home Companion, American Magazine, and a long run at the Saturday Evening Post (yet, for the last, he only did one cover). Davis first established his artistry as someone who could capture the rich, beautiful people of the 1920s: dashing, mustachioed men; the cool, svelte women. But Davis was just as capable at capturing just-plain-folk, and with a cartoonist's sensibilities and a fresh humor, he expanded into story art and ad work that called characters of every persuasion. Davis' early career was almost derailed by love. He returned from WWI duty to work at Grauman Brothers, Chicago. When a woman artist was hired, Davis was so distracted, that the woman had to be let go. She still preoccupied his mind, so he courted her, then became his wife, and an arguably more famous artist, Gladys Rockmore Davis (when asked for interviews, he'd quip, "Why bother with me when there is a real artist in the family?" In 1961, he was inducted into the Society of Illustrator's Hall of Fame.
Story Art (194?) Davis, F - 001A

Real Silk Hosiery (1925) Davis, F - 002

Hinds Honey and Almond Ceam (1930) Davis, F - 003

Citizen Kane (1940) Davis, F - 004

American Magazine, "Yellow Shoes" (1944) Davis, F - 005

EverReady, "Perfecting the Gift of Radio" (1927) Davis, F - 006

Spud (1921) Davis, F - 007

Ten High (1939) Davis, F - 008

Sealex, "Something New in the Stores!" (1928) Davis, F - 009

Caterpillar Diesel, "It Even Gave You Your Footlights"
(1944) Davis, F - 010

Grape Nuts, "Why Men Leave Home Half Fed" (1927) Davis, F - 011

College Humor, "Fire Magic" (1931) Davis, F - 012

Hallicrafters Radio, "Meet Your New Neighbor" (1944) Davis, F - 013

Nabisco, "Have a Cookie" (1938) Davis, F - 014

Real Silk Hosiery (1924) Davis, F - 015

Saturday Evening Post (1939) Davis, F - 016

Life, "England at War" (1944) Davis, F - 017
NOTE: That's Davis, upper left, painting his way through Europe, especially England, as is shown in the four color selections (Bob Hope is lower right, joking up the troops).

Lord Calvert, Davis at his easal (1946) Davis, F - 018

Hupp Motors (1930) Davis, F - 019

Ford, "We Fly" (1930) Davis, F - 020

De Soto Airflow,"Florida Highlights by Floyd Davis" (1936) Davis, F - 021

Sealex (1929) Davis, F - 022

Elgin Watches (1930) Davis, F - 023

Johnnie Walker "Hialeah Races" (1937) Davis, F - 024
