James Montgomery Flagg
(1877 - 1960)
Painted arguably the most famous poster in history: Uncle Sam saying "I Want You" (for which he was the model). Successful in most mediums and styles, from cartoons (a very strange sense of humor) to pretty girls (Elvgren sites him as a favorite). Output includes stories, covers, and ads, and did the first "Jeeves" for PG Wodehouse. In demand for his portraiture throughout his life. He was as much a celebrity as the Hollywood and Broadway types he painted and befriended. Also worked on short silent films.
The monograph, James Montgomery Flagg, by Susan E. Meyer (1974) is worth seeking out.
Stephen Foster Songs, "Old Black Joe" (19??) Flagg - 001A

Judge (1920) Flagg - 002A

Sunday Magazine of the Boston Sunday Post (1911) Flagg - 003

Violin Maker (1907) Flagg - 004A

Life, "You and Your Dream" (1924) Flagg - 005A

Sketch (1924) Flagg - 006A
NOTE: The sketch below appeared on the back of the submitted cartoon above.
Perhaps Flagg doodled it while he waited for the art director or scribbled it hastily for the AD as a future gag idea.
The idea ended up as the cover for Judge, 31 January 1925!

McCall's, "The Zeppelin's Pasesenger" (1918) Flagg - 007

Lost Horizon (1937) Flagg - 008

The Shrine, "Lucius Leaps Over" (1926) Flagg - 009

Elgin Watch (1926) Flagg - 010

Girl in Autumn (190?) Flagg - 011A

College Humor, "Home Talent" (1930) Flagg - 012

Judge, "Consistency" (1923) Flagg - 013

Lamb's Gambol, "Lamb'th Walk" (1938) Flagg - 014

Leslie's (1918) Flagg - 015

Heart's International, "Ma Jong (1924) Flagg - 016

McCall's (1942) Flagg - 017

Heart's International, Kipling's "The United Idolators" (1924) Flagg - 018

Film Fun "Flagg with Billie Dove" (1929) Flagg - 019

Heart's International, "Daring The Unknown" (1924) Flagg - 020

Ethel Bareymore (19??) Flagg - 021

Spring Maid (1943) Flagg - 022

Spring Maid (1943) Flagg - 023

American Weekly, Cooking Around America,
"The Northwest - Fried Trout and French Toast" (1949) Flagg - 024

American Weekly, Cooking Around America,
"San Francisco - Treasure Island Sald" (1949) Flagg - 025

American Weekly, Cooking Around America,
"Southern California - Fiesta Foods" (1949) Flagg - 026

American Weekly, Cooking Around America,
"The South - Fried Chicken And Buttermilk Biscuits" (1949) Flagg - 027

American Weekly, Cooking Around America,
"Way Down East - Apple Pie, Baked Cod With Crabmeat Dressing" (1949) Flagg - 028
