Hamilton King
(1871 - 1952)
His "Hamilton King Girls" were so popular that they became a kind of brand name, often used for art not done by King himself. His pretty girls graced magazine covers (Woman's Home Companion, Theatre), advertising (Coke), sheet music, calendars, post cards, and most famously, cigarette cards (Turkish Trophies). The Society of Illustrators annually awards a Hamilton King Award to deserving illustrators.
Hamilton King Cigarette Girl (19??) King, H - 001A

Theatre Magazine (1919) King, H - 002

Hamilton King Cigarette Girl, International (19??) King, H - 003
La Marquise (1911) King, H - 004

The Daily Picayune (1912) King, H - 005

Woman's Home Companion (1915) King, H - 006
Newport Girl (1903) King, H - 007
Coca-Cola (1912) King, H - 008
Woman's Home Companion (1916) King, H - 009
Theatre Magazine (1929) King, H - 010
