Lucille Patterson Marsh
(1890 - )
Best known for capturing children and homey settings. Numerous ad accounts (Jell-o, Cataract Washer, GE, Ivory Soap) and illustrations for Ladies' Home Journal, BabyTalk, Woman's Home Companion, Pictorial Review, Cosmopolitan. Still doing book art into the late 1940s
Study (19??) Marsh - 001A

1900 Cataract Washer (1920) Marsh - 002

Cataract Washer (1921) Marsh - 003
Two Girls In Pink (19??) Marsh - 004A

Westinghouse (1925) Marsh - 005

Postum, "The Best Hot Drink..." (1926) Marsh - 006
Carousel Ride (19??) Marsh - 007A
GE, "Dependable As Electricity" (1931) Marsh - 008
Grapenuts, "What Will Keep Them Well All Winter?" (1926) Marsh - 009
Girl And Mouse (19??) Marsh - 010A

Woman's Home Companion (1921) Marsh - 011
