Before Mr. Platnick provided the extended bio on the previous page, this was my own, rather slight, bio on Coles Phillips. I put it here to show how much better it would be for those of you who are familiar with an artist to contribute something more substanial, Just as Platnick did:
Left plenty to the imagination with his "fade-away girls" where part of the female blended into the background, based on the color or pattern she wore. He had little training (some night classes) yet his talent for watercolor precision, tricks of perception, and detailed craftsmanship, made him a hit with readers of Life, Liberty, Good Housekeeping, Vogue, Collier's and advertisers like Holeproof Hosiery, Willy's Overland, Vitralite Paint, Scranton Lace, National Mazda Lamps, Jantzen Swimsuits, Oneida Community Silver, and Palmolive.
Life (1908) Phillips,C - 043

Life (1908) Phillips,C - 044

Life, "The Honored Guest" (1911) Phillips,C - 045

Life, "There Is A Santa Claus" (1926) Phillips,C - 046

Life, "Sportsman's Number" (1910) Phillips,C - 047

Life "Dear or Dearest" (1910) Phillips,C - 048
Life, "Travel Number" (1927) Phillips,C - 049

Life, "Feminine Number" (1924) Phillips,C - 050

Ladies' Home Journal, "All-Story Number" (1911) Phillips,C - 051
Ladies' Home Journal (1921) Phillips,C - 052

Ladies' Home Journal, "Girls' Affairs" (1953) Phillips,C - 053

Ladies' Home Journal, Summer-Porch Number" (1911) Phillips,C - 054

Ladies' Home Journal (1921) Phillips,C - 055
The Spirit of Transportation (1921) Phillips,C - 056
Scranton, "Maytime Is Curtain Time" (1923) Phillips,C - 057
Scranton (1919) Phillips,C - 058

Scranton, "And Now - Scranton Bedspreads..." (1923) Phillips,C - 059

Scranton, "Making Your Own Curtains..." (1922) Phillips,C - 060

Naiad, "The Crowning Attribute..." (1912) Phillips,C - 061
Edison Mazda (1925) Phillips,C - 062
Woman's Home Companion, "An Afternoon Costume..." (1915) Phillips,C - 063

Woman's Home Companion, "A Dinner Dress..." (1915) Phillips,C - 064
Woman's Home Companion, "Fashions For January" (1915) Phillips,C - 065

Bulova Watches, "Aristocrat of Beauty..." (1926) Phillips,C - 066

Luxite (1918) Phillips,C - 067

Luxite (1918) Phillips,C - 068

Luxite (1919) Phillips,C - 069

Luxite (1919) Phillips,C - 070

Luxite (1917) Phillips,C - 071

Print, based on Life cover (1911) Phillips,C - 072

Print, based on Good Housekeeping cover (1913) Phillips,C - 073

Print, based on Good Housekeeping cover (1913) Phillips,C - 074

Print, based on Good Housekeeping cover (1913) Phillips,C - 075

Print, based on Good Housekeeping cover (1913) Phillips,C - 076

Apollo Chocolates (1923) Phillips,C - 077

Atwater Kent Radio (1927) Phillips,C - 078

New Rochelle: The City Of The Huguenots, "The Siren Call" (1926) Phillips,C - 079
NOTE: Phillips died before he could complete this piece, also shown in the Atwater Kent ad above.

Life, "The Call Of The Wild" (1927) Phillips,C - 080
NOTE: This was one of Phillips' last two Life covers, both printed posthumously (it also contained the memorial spread shown at the bottom of the previous page).

Text copyright 2005, Norm Platnick
Images copyright 2005, American Art Archives
Norm Platnick has published a number of collector's guides, including one on Coles Phillips.
To visit his site, click on his name, above.