Charles Gates Sheldon
(1889- 1960)
Sheldon's career spans three main subjects: Hollywood, fashion, and hair. For the last, he was the creator of the Breck Girl (and the Breck Baby), and produced these girls in abundance for several years before handing the baton to Ralph William Williams. Did most of the "in" fan mags of the day, Photoplay, Screenland, Radio Digest, but also slicks like Collier's. Also studio and stage portraits for pretty girls from ballet to burlesque.
Shirley Temple (c1935) Sheldon - 001A

Photoplay (c1920s) Sheldon - 002

Hilda Butsova (19??) Sheldon - 003

Fly Girl (19??) Sheldon - 004A

Woman's Home Companion, "Country Club" (1922) Sheldon - 005

Pyrene Fire Extinguishers (19??) Sheldon - 006

Geneveve Tobin (19??) Sheldon - 007

Radio Digest (1932) Sheldon - 008

Skater (early 1900s) Sheldon - 009

Breck Shampoo (1946) Sheldon - 010

One In A Million (1932) Sheldon - 011

Peggy Hoyt (19??) Sheldon - 012

Woman's Home Companion, "She Takes To Caracul And Capes" (1921) Sheldon - 013A

Woman's Home Companion, "Tea Time At Sherrs" (1921) Sheldon - 014

Woman's Home Companion, "Bloused A Bit" (1921) Sheldon - 015
