Ben-Hur Baz
(1906 - 2003)
Mexican born. Estalished himself as a fashion illustrator: campaigns for Munsingwear, Roman Stripe, Pacific Mills. Story, fashion spreads, and glamour art for Redbook, McCall's, Woman's Home Companion). Esquire pin-up and calendar pieces. Still active painting at least up until 1983.
Special thanks to Keith Swearingen for helping with this page.
Esquire Pin-up (1948) Baz - 001

Redbook, "A Faithful Male" (1949) Baz - 002

Pacific Mills, "America...the Beautiful" (1943) Baz - 003
The Hepburn Legend (1934) Baz - 004

Singer Sewing Machine Company (1941) Baz - 005

Esquire Pin-up (1948) Baz - 006
Pacific Mills, "Excels easel-y" (1943) Baz - 007
Woman's Home Companion, "Through the Ceiling" (1930) Baz - 008
Munsingwear (1940s) Baz - 009
Pacific Mills (1943 and 1944) Baz - 010

Collier's, "Audition" (1945) Baz - 011
Woman's Home Companion, fashion pages (1930, 1931) Baz - 012
Marilyn Monroe (1954) Baz - 013
Pacific Mills, "In the Spotlight" (1943) Baz - 014
Woman's Home Companion, fashion pages (1938) Baz - 015
Woman's Home Companion, "One Heart, Well Mended" (1946) Baz - 016

Roman Stripe Hosiery (1946) Baz - 017
Collier's, "The Stuffed Shirt And The Lady" (1948) Baz - 018
Esquire Pin-up, "Calamity" (1947) Baz - 019

Collier's "Transfer At Khartoum" (1949) Baz - 020
"Elegant" (19??) Baz - 020
