Saturday Evening Post, "John Barleycorn" (1913) Dunn - 001

Dixon Ticonderoga, "Ethan Allen" (1933) Dunn - 002

Opaline Motor Oil (1929) Dunn - 003

Coke, "Come, Be Blessed And Be Happy" (1943) Dunn - 004

Metropolitan, "His Own Home" (1917) Dunn - 005
Texaco, "Trails No Map Will Ever Show" (1930) Dunn - 006

Saturday Evening Post, "Timberline" (1908) Dunn - 007

Heart's International, "The Janeites" (1924) Dunn - 008

U S Army, "One For All AndAll For One" (1942) Dunn - 009
U S Food Administraton, "Victory Is A Question Of Stamina" (1917) Dunn - 010

U S Food Administraton, "They Are Giving All - Will You Send Them Wheat?" (1918) Dunn - 011

Scribner's, "The New Romance" (1914) Dunn - 012
Saturday Evening Post, "A Wild Goose Chase" (1914) Dunn - 013

Maxwell House(1931) Dunn - 014

White Truck, "Mexican River-Bed Express" (1944) Dunn - 015

White Truck, "Alongside G.I. Joe...All The Way" (1944) Dunn - 016
White Truck, "Bringing The Forest Into The Fight" (1944) Dunn - 017
White Truck, "From Texas Range To Army Range" (1944) Dunn - 018