Anton Otto Fischer
(1882 - 1962)
Long affiliated with The Saturday Evening Post (nearly 50 years), he did dozens of covers and much story art, most notably the long-running Tug-Boat Annie and with maritime painting, Fischer was more versatile than depicting the sail and dreadnaughts when given a chance. Still, he's best known for painting the sea, her beauty and her dangers (whether hurricanes or U-Boats). It's no surprise that his oils graced such titles as The Cruise of the Cachalot: Round the World After Sperm Whales, Treasure Island, The Mutineers, 20000 Leagues Under the Sea, The Dark Frigate, Moby Dick, and his own written work, Focs'le Days: A story of My Youth. His daughter, Katrina Sigsbee Fischer, wrote a biography on the artist: Anton Otto Fischer Marine Artist His Life and Work (1984) that's worth seeking out. Fischer also did illustrations for Harper's, Everybody's Magazine, Life, The Metropolitan, Cosmopolitan, Scribner's. One of his longest advertising series was for the totally land-based, A and P markets. His works hang in many naval venues in the USA.
Original artwork (date unknown) Fischer - 001A
NOTE: the young girl bares a strong resemblance to Fischer's daughter, Katrina

Traveler's Insurance, "What's Inside A Lifeboat?" (1941) Fischer - 002

When The Air mail Crosses The Great Divide (1933) Fischer - 003

Esquire, "The Ordeal Of John Paul Jones Crew Of The Bonhomme Richard Repelling Boarders From The Serapis, September 23, 1779" (1945) Fischer - 004

Cosmopolitan, "The Silver Ship" (1917) Fischer - 005

Bausch and Lomb, "To Gallant Ships And The Men Who Sail Them" (1943) Fischer - 006

Saturday Evening Post (1931) Fischer - 007

Saturday Evening Post (1932) Fischer - 008

Cosmopolitan (1917) Fischer - 009

Shell Research, "Vitamin For Battle Wagons" (1944) Fischer - 010

Western Electric (1945) Fischer - 011

Saturday Evening Post (1943) Fischer - 012

Scribner's, "Sailing Days: On The Yard-Arm; Furling The Mainsail" (1911) Fischer - 013

Scribner's, "Man Overboard" (1911) Fischer - 014

Scribner's, "Running The East'ard Down -- Homeward Bound Off Cape Horn" (1911) Fischer - 015

Scribner's, "Making Port In The Tropics -- Taking On A Native Pilot" (1911) Fischer - 016
