J Knowles Hare
(1884 - 1947)
Glamour print and calendar artist (though just as good with pups and kids!), usually in pastel, but also in pencils and oils. Covers for Woman's Home Companion, American Magazine, This Week, Saturday Evening Post, Country Gentleman, Ladies' Home Journal, Photoplay, Modern Priscilla, Harper's Weekly. Ads for Gossard Corrset, Palmolive, Elgin, Packar's. His lovely wife, Gladys Granger, was his main model.
A special thanks to Norm Platnick of Enchantment Ink for letting us know what 001, 002, 005, and 010 were used for. Norm Platnick has published a number of collector's guides, including one on J Knowles Hare.
Fashionable Dress Magazine, "Costume Ball" cover (February 1925) Hare - 001A

Post card art, Poinsettia (pencil and wash) (1910) Hare - 002A

Elgin, "Will you say it just for the day..." (1927) Hare - 003

Woman's Home Companion (1922) Hare - 004

Post card art, Golden Roses (pencil and wash; the "gold" has faded) (1910) Hare - 005A

Packer's Liquid Shampoo (1924) Hare - 006

The Country Gentleman (1924) Hare - 007

Palmolive, "Invite Romance" (1933) Hare - 008

Ladies' Home Journal (1925) Hare - 009

Yard Long Calendar or Chocolate box, done in oil (???) Hare - 010A

This Week (1937) Hare - 011

American Magazine (1933) Hare - 012

Cosmopolitan (1934) Hare - 013

Ladies' Home Journal (1926) Hare - 014
