News and Events
NOTE: This page isn't just about American Art Archives. AAA wants your news, too.
We'll help promote your upcoming events: Books and articles you're working on; Museum Exhibits; Auctions and Sales (etc.).
JULY 2003 web issue of American Art Archives
Frank Reilly: This Fighter Weighs in at 8 Tons, Pennsylvania Railroad (1944)

Kent Steine's first article for AAA will be "Frank Reilly, Revolutionary Teacher." I'm very excited
about this! Mr. Steine is working on a new book on Earl Moran to add to his Billy DeVorss: The Classic Pin-ups and (with Fred Taraba) The J C Leyendecker Collection: American Illustrators Poster Book. Kent also did several "Methods of the Masters" articles for Step-by-Step magazine. He's currently an art teacher (a quickly executed "study aid" is shown below). Mr. Steine's site:
Sherrie Gregory will be doing an article for AAA on John Clymer. She'll also be providing a piece she owns which she thinks must be a Clymer (not signed), but hasn't been able to verify. Looking forward to both.
John Clymer: Get Out of Town, Saturday Evening Post (1954)

May 2003
Any day now the Robert Maguire site will be up. Here's the link: Also coming very soon is my first interview for the site and it just happens to be for: Robert Maguire. Coincidence? Well, yes, actually. But it's a nice coincidence!
Robert Maguire: The Crystal Crow (1974)

March 2003
I've added quite a bit around the site, including three "Featured Artist/Genre" items (see link at left) as well as a lot of nipping and tucking on various pages. Many of the short bios (found under "About the Artists" link at left) have graphics added and the "Help! Unsigned Whodunits" page is expanded.
Recent News
January 2003
First Contact
The first person to visit our new site AND contact me is illustrator Lyn Fletcher. I'm grateful for the artist's e-mails and since Lyn doesn't have a web site (yet), I'm showing an example of the quality work here.

© 2003 Lyn Fletcher
Recent News
December 2002
American Art Archives Gets Own Web Site
December 2002 saw American Art Archives get its own web site! Well, I'm excited.
Harrison Fisher Still Working in 2002
Look what Santa brought this Christmas! This was one of the sweet presents the wife left me to unwrap, Snow-Ball Frosted Pretzel Balls with art by Harrison Fisher. Annoyingly, it's not signed anywhere and I feel it would have been better to hire a still-living artist to create (or even emulate) this classic Fisher belle.
Rockwell and Rosie Break the Axis and the Auctions
In May of 2002, Sothebys scored a record for a Norman Rockwell at auction, $4.9 million for Rosie the Riveter, initially used for the Saturday Evening Post. The model, 79 year-old Mary Doyle Keefe said this was the only time she was this burley. The painting was sold to a Dallas asset management firm, according to Times Wire Reports.
Bob Peak in ILLUSTATION magagainze
Tom Peak informs AAA that Illustration magazine will be doing what amounts to the first monograph of Bob Peak's work in an issue later this year (No. 6, I believe).
Who did that Commercial?
This has to be a first. Bonnie Timmins, formerly the animator on Caroline in the City and before that, editorial cartoonist for John Leo's ever entertaining pieces in US News actually signed her work IN the commercial she's done for a toilet paper company. There it is, big as life, a signed commercial! Oddly, the one example of her work for this campaign I do have, is not signed at all. Of course, nowhere on the package does it state what it is, either: toilet paper.

The first Mini Bios for the American Art Archives debut have been posted (found by Clicking "About the Artists" at left)
Rolf Armstrong, Walter Biggs, Henry Clive, Al Dorne, Peter Driben, Ruth Eastman, James Montgomery Flagg, Hans Flato, Edwin Georgi, Elizabeth Shippen Green, Peter Helck, John LaGatta, F X Leyendecker, J C Leyendecker, Orson Lowell, Angus MacDonall, Frank McCarthy, Neysa McMein, Norman Mingo, Al Moore, Rose O'Neill, Maxfield Parrish, Herbert Paus, Bob Peak, Edward Penfield, George Petty, Coles Phillips, Willy Pogany, Howard Pyle, Arthur Rackham, Norman Rockwell, Dr. Seuss, Adolph Treidler, Jon Whitcomb, Fritz Willis, N C Wyeth.