Walter Popp
(1920 - 2003)
Comic artist (1940s) turned to paperbacks and macho mags in the 50s. Slick cover work (and occasional stories) for Stag, For Men Only, True Detective, Amazing Stories, Man's Illustrated, Fantastic Adventures, Startling Stories, Male, Thrilling Wonder Stories, Master Detective, Man's World. Adept at hard-boiled detective and crime paperbacks, westerns, and sci-fi, in his later years he was a respected gothic and romance novel cover painter. Popp ended his career by teaming up with his wife and fellow artist, Marie (whom he met when they were students at the Art Studnts League in 1946), to created a series of giclée digital prints (Marie was a fashion artist and model during the 40s).
Special thanks to Marie Popp
and Victor Popp for helping with this page.
Reflection of Evil (1964) Popp - 001A

OK-For Men "Gay 90s" (1959) Popp - 002A

Male, "American Trapper Aboard A Cossack Boat" (1960) Popp - 003

Real, "Abilene's Fallen Angels" (1955) Popp - 004

Action Life, "Kremlin-Storming Playboy Jack Reed" (1964) Popp - 005

Amazing Stories (1952) Popp - 006

Rugged Men, "The Tribe That Conquered The Klan!" (1958) Popp - 007

Cartoon sketch (1939) Popp - 008

Battle Cry (195) Popp - 009

Fantastic Adventures (1952) Popp - 010

For Men Only, The Town They Called 'Too Hot'" (1959) Popp - 011

For Men Only, "The American Prisoner In Russia's Female Convict Colony" (1960) Popp - 012

Male, "Italian Nudist Girls Who Knocked Out Germany's Underground Tank Depot" (1959) Popp - 013

For Men ONly, "Fräulein Raiders" (1963) Popp - 014

Men, "Last Man Standing Gets Annabelle Austin" (1959) Popp - 015

For Men Only, "Two Years In Hitler's Shocking International Female Compound" (1961) Popp - 016

Stag, "Last 10 Days In the Führer Private Underground Bunker" (1960) Popp - 017

Stag, "The Nude Girl Of Nightmare Key" (1962) Popp - 018
(this is actually Ian Fleming's James Bond thriller, Dr No)

Woman of Paris (Cabaret) (1954) Popp - 019

True Detective (1952) Popp - 020

Saga, "Vice Squad Cop" (1959) Popp - 021

Men, "The Week The Sex Wind Blew" (1959) Popp - 022

True Adventures, "The Beasts That Prowl By Night" (1960) Popp - 023

Startling Stories (195?) Popp - 024

Real, "Russia's School For Bedroom Spies" (1954) Popp - 025

Master Detective, "Kisses In The Death House" (1953) Popp - 026
(interior art was a rarity for Master Detective)

Male, "Misfire!" (1951) Popp - 027

Man's World (1961) Popp - 028

Male, "The NKVD's Upstairs Girl" (1959) Popp - 029

Man's Book, "The Nazi Sin Doll Who Blasted HItler Our Of The War." (1962) Popp - 030

True Adventures (1957) Popp - 031

Adventure, "The Town That Terror Built" (1959) Popp - 032

Stag, "The Yank Who Led WWII's BIggest POW Escape" (1964) Popp - 033

Stag, "The Camp Follower In General Forrest's Command Unit" (1961) Popp - 034

Sportsman, "Give Me Back My Boy" (1955) Popp - 035
Real, "Sex Playground For G.I.s" (1954) Popp - 036

Stag, "Sex Behind Prison Bars"(1960) Popp - 037

True Adventure, "The Lady From Hell" (1955) Popp - 038

True Adventures (1956) Popp - 039

True Detective (1960) Popp - 040

Saga, "The Bird And His Horn (1959) Popp - 041

Men's Pictorial (1956) Popp - 042

Stag, "1927 - America's Wildest Binge" (1960) Popp - 043

Walter and Marie Popp (2002) Popp - 044
This is from an article in the New York Times (sorry about the quality). Marie and Walter were painting together at the time, turning out romantic covers for paperbacks. Walter said his wife's artistic talent was equal to his and they spent their final years producing numerous romantic works. Marie passed away in 2006.
